About stop and start
A master does the job and then stops.
There are two polarities, to attach to one of the other would be to misunderstand them.
A real master understands that the universe is always out of control
and that trying to dominate events goes against the Way of Tao.
Everything is always changing.
In order to protect oneself using change is necessary
to feel what the consequences are of changing
and not changing at all in response to an attack.
1° Plan to finish one movement before starting another.
2° Plan on finishing one movement in the same spirit that you start in.
3° Plan on starting one movement in the same spirit that you finish out.

Stop and start:
Tai Chi self defence is also a question of stop and start.
First you should exercise your mind, then discipline your body
When Tai Chi is in motion the positive (yang) and the negative (yin) separate.
When Tai Chi stops yin and yang integrate.
In the Tai Chi forms you also learn
when to stop
when to start.

The beauty of inner stillness.
Even when internal power or external movement is interrupted,
your mind should remain in continuous action.
First you should exercise your mind, then discipline your external movements.
Stop and start is a mind thing, rather than a physical thing.